jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

The kissing couple...

The kissing couple, who were photographed in between police lines at the Vancouver riot. This photo is from June 15th, my dearest friend Maria sent me the photo and now I want to share it with you.
The man is Scott Jones from Perth, Australia, and the woman is Alexandra Thomas from Vancouver.

Alexandra had actually been injured. She had been knocked down by a shield. Scott lay down next to her to comfort her. She was crying and he just kissed her to calm her down.

The kissing couple, fueron fotografiados en medio de las líneas de la policía en los disturbios de Vancouver. Esta foto es del 15 de junio, mi querida amiga María me envió la foto y ahora quiero compartirla con vosotros.
El hombre es Scott Jones de Perth, Australia, y la mujer es Alexandra Thomas de Vancouver.
Alexandra salió herida, había sido derribada por un escudo. Scott estaba a su lado para consolarla. Ella estaba llorando y él la besó para calmarla.

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